I analysed 2000 viral posts on Medium that went viral. Here is what I found

Creating a catchy title is often the holy grail for crafting a successful blog post. However, I’ve always wondered if this strategy truly works across all areas. I was convinced that certain styles of titles don’t resonate in tech the way they do in, say personal development.

To put my curiosity to the test, I conducted research using Claude and analyzed over 2,000 Medium posts that went viral. This analysis delves into observations gleaned from a dataset of blog post statistics. The dataset includes information on reading time, claps received, and tags assigned to each post. By clustering observations based on these tags, we can gain insights into various content categories and their performance on the platform.

Here is what I found:

Personal Development:

This category focuses on self-improvement, productivity, life lessons, relationships, and motivation. A deep dive into the data reveals the following trends:

  • High Engagement with Emotional Themes: Articles tackling sensitive topics like relationships, self-esteem, and personal struggles tend to garner significantly higher engagement (e.g., "Im 35 and I may suddenly have lost the rest of my life. Im panicking, just a bit." - 105,000 claps). This suggests that readers gravitate towards content that resonates with their own vulnerabilities and experiences.
  • Actionable Advice is King: Posts offering practical tips and strategies for personal growth, confidence building, and productivity resonate strongly with the audience (e.g., "23 Smart Ways To Increase Your Confidence, Productivity, and Income" - 23,000 & 44,000 claps). Readers appreciate actionable advice that they can implement in their lives.
  • Conciseness Matters: While longer-form articles can be successful, posts with shorter reading times often perform well, especially when offering a powerful message or a quick win (e.g., "I Have Only One Rule About Money" - 2 minutes, 9,400 claps).
  • Millennial Focus: Several posts specifically address the experiences and anxieties of millennials, suggesting a significant audience segment within this demographic (e.g., "My So-Called (Millennial) Entitlement", "11 Brutal Truths Every Baby Boomer Needs to Hear (Written by a Millennial)"). This indicates a potential niche for content that speaks directly to this generation's concerns.

Technology & Software Development:

This category covers a wide spectrum, encompassing programming languages, web development, software engineering, machine learning, blockchain, and cybersecurity. Key observations include:

  • Demand for Practical Guides & Tutorials: Technical tutorials and code walkthroughs enjoy high popularity, indicating a strong interest in acquiring practical coding skills (e.g., "How to build your own Neural Network from scratch in Python," "10 Tips for Javascript Debugging Like a PRO with Console").
  • Interest in Emerging Technologies: Posts focusing on blockchain, cryptocurrency, and artificial intelligence receive significant attention (e.g., "Prepare Yourself! The Security Token Tsunami Is About To Hit", "Machine Learning is Fun Part 8: How to Intentionally Trick Neural Networks"). This suggests a forward-looking audience interested in exploring the latest advancements in tech.
  • Framework Comparisons & Insights: Comparisons of various development frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue) spark considerable interest, highlighting the desire to stay informed about the pros and cons of different tools (e.g., "ReactJS vs Angular5 vs Vue.jsWhat to choose in 2018?").
  • Real-World Applications: Posts demonstrating the practical application of technologies, such as using deep learning to enhance graphics or building a serverless application, attract a significant audience (e.g., "Using Deep Learning to improve FIFA 18 graphics", "I just deployed a serverless appand I cant code. Heres how I did it.").
  • Community & Career Focus: Posts offering tips for new coders, resources for self-taught developers, and advice for navigating the tech industry resonate with the audience (e.g., "5 GitHub tips for new coders", "Genuinely useful career resources for self-taught developers").

Social & Cultural Commentary:

This category encompasses topics related to politics, social justice issues, culture, and personal experiences:

  • Controversial Topics Drive Engagement: Articles discussing political figures, social movements, and cultural debates tend to generate higher engagement, often with strongly worded opinions (e.g., "Trump Isnt Another Hitler. Hes Another Obama.", "California Is the Future of American Politics", "The Anger of the White Male Lie"). This points to a readership that is passionate about current events and social issues.
  • Personal Narratives with Social Relevance: Posts sharing personal experiences that touch on broader social or cultural themes can gain considerable traction (e.g., "Dear Fellow White People: Go See Black Panther", "To The White Woman I Can No Longer Be Friends With", "A Letter from the Fat Person on Your Flight").
  • Critical Examination of Media & Technology: Articles critiquing the influence of social media, the tech industry, or the portrayal of certain groups in media find an audience (e.g., "The Tech Industrys Psychological War on Kids", "National Geographics Photography Erased People. Its Too Late For An Apology."). This suggests a critical awareness of the impact of these forces on society.

Design & Creativity:

This category focuses on design principles, user experience (UX), user interface (UI), typography, and visual arts:

  • Design Systems & Best Practices: Posts about building design systems and adhering to best practices in UI/UX design are well-received (e.g., "How building a design system empowers your team to focus on peoplenot pixels.", "Redesigning Adobes File Type Icon System Language").
  • Visual Storytelling: Articles highlighting visual trends and exploring the use of visuals in communication resonate with the audience (e.g., "A quick beginners guide to drawing" - 118,000 claps, "The Anatomy of a Thousand Typefaces").
  • Design Tools & Techniques: Tutorials and case studies on using design tools (e.g., Sketch, After Effects) and implementing design techniques (e.g., animation, hover effects) are popular (e.g., "Bringing Sketch and After Effects Closer Together", "Stunning hover effects with CSS variables").

V. Business & Entrepreneurship:

This category focuses on startups, business strategies, marketing, and financial advice:

  • Startup Stories & Insights: Posts about startup successes, failures, and lessons learned are well-received (e.g., "Why Startups Are Going Remote In 2018", "Why startups are dying left and right", "The 4 red flags I missed as the startup imploded around me").
  • Marketing & Growth Strategies: Articles offering marketing tips, growth hacks, and advice for reaching a wider audience attract attention (e.g., "Growth Hack Your Way To The Top Of Product Hunt", "THE STRUGGLE OF ADVERTISING AGENCIES IS REAL OR WHY THEY DONT WANT TO WORK WITH YOUTUBERS").
  • Financial Advice & Wealth Building: Posts offering financial tips, investment strategies, and advice for building wealth are popular (e.g., "How I Build Wealth In 4 Steps", "Why Warren Buffetts 10/10/10 Rule Will Make You Insanely Successful and Wealthy").

General Observations & Insights:

  • Clarity and Strong Titles: Posts with clear and engaging titles, often including numbers or lists, tend to perform well across categories (e.g., "23 Things That Will Help You Create a Powerful Morning Routine", "10 Small Design Mistakes We Still Make").
  • Author Expertise & Credibility: While not explicitly included in the dataset, it's likely that author expertise plays a role in audience engagement. Posts written by individuals with established credentials or relevant experience may garner more attention.
  • Trendy Topics: Posts that tap into current trends or leverage popular names (e.g., Elon Musk, Gary Vaynerchuk) often gain significant traction.
  • Diverse Readership: The dataset reveals a diverse range of interests and concerns among the readership, highlighting the platform's ability to cater to a wide audience.

Here's a brief summary of the key observations:

Category Key Observations
Personal Development - High engagement with emotional themes
- Actionable advice is preferred
- Conciseness is effective
- Focus on Millennial experiences
Technology & Software Development - Demand for practical guides & tutorials
- Interest in emerging technologies
- Framework comparisons are popular
- Real-world applications attract readers
- Focus on community & career advice
Social & Cultural Commentary - Controversial topics drive engagement
- Personal narratives with social relevance
- Critical examination of media & technology
Design & Creativity - Design systems & best practices
- Visual storytelling
- Design tools & techniques
Business & Entrepreneurship - Startup stories & insights
- Marketing & growth strategies
- Financial advice & wealth building
General Observations - Clarity and strong titles
- Author expertise & credibility
- Trendy topics
- Diverse readership


This analysis of blog post statistics reveals valuable insights into reader preferences, popular content categories, and strategies for maximizing engagement on the platform. While the dataset is limited, it provides a glimpse into the diverse interests and engagement patterns of the readership. Further research and analysis could delve deeper into these trends and uncover additional insights that could be beneficial for content creators and platform curators alike.